Description of work and documentation

Link to file

The uploaded file can be accessed via a link in a specific format:{file_id}/{filename}.{extension}

file_id This is the integer ID of the uploaded file. 4. filename The display name of the file, can be any for Clean URL 5. extension Displayed file extension, can be any for Clean URL
Header Content-Type is given based on the file extension when it is loaded

Query Parameters in the file link

The link to the file can, and sometimes is necessary, to supplement the query parameters (passed after ? in link)

Available query parameters
1. token This parameter transfers the file access token if the file is accessible by token.
The need for it is determined when uploading a file. It can be loaded with flag private - then without the correct token the server will give an error 403 (Forbidden)
Also, the privacy of a file can be overridden to modify it, more in the section on content processing rules.
2. format for images only Forces image format conversion. Valid values: png, gif, jpeg, webp, avif
3. download Sends to browser http header Content-Disposition: attachment, what causes the browser to download the file, even if he can display this type of content
4. width & height for images only Parameters set the required width and height of the image, respectively.
If you specify width and height, it will be resize for the specified size. If you specify only one parameter, then the second will be calculated with the proportions
5. quality for images only Desired compression level, 0 - minimum, 100 - maximum. Affects file size

Content processing rules (File Modifications) for images only

When a file is uploaded, the group is specified. For upload via the widget default group is public_upload
The group can be assigned processing rules.

File modifications storage

Determining the appropriate modification

Initial modification (on file upload)

Correct configuration of the initial modifications will help to optimize the size of the occupied disk space and make further work with files more comfortable. The rules for this modification are wrapped in a key first. If a suitable rule is found, it will be changed when the image is loaded.
The following settings are supported:

Sample json code to describe a rule, that the uploaded files should be limited in size and converted to webp

    "first": {
        "max_width": 2000,
        "max_height": 2000,
        "format": "webp"

WaterMark in File Modifications

Sample json code to describe a WaterMark

"watermark": {
    "id": 10,
    "position": {
        "orientation": "right/bottom",
        "x": 10,
        "y": "20%"

1. Key id - file id on cdn with watermark. Must be type image
2. The position key determines the offset of the watermark overlay.
3. The orientation key determines where the countdown comes from. May have the following values

Key x - additional horizontal offset. With left or center orientation, the offset goes to the left. With the orientation right, the offset goes to the right
Key y - additional vertical offset. With top or center orientation, the offset goes down. With the bottom orientation, the offset goes up
The x and y key values can be negative. Specifies the number (pixels), or a string like "5%" - as a percentage of the size of the original image. Default 0. Value examples: 10, -20, "5%"

Examples of position processing, for a picture 200x200 and a watermark 40x40

    // right indent = 10px, bottom = 20% = 40px
    "watermark": {
        "id": 10,
        "position": {
            "orientation": "right/bottom",
            "x": 10,
            "y": "20%"
    // right indent = 10px
    // top indent = (200 - 40) / 2 = 80px
    "watermark": {
        "id": 10,
        "position": {
            "orientation": "right/center",
            "x": 10
    // left indent = centered and shifted by -10px = ((200 - 40) / 2) -10 = 70px
    // top indent = 0
    "watermark": {
        "id": 10,
        "position": {
            "orientation": "center/top",
            "x": -10

Errors when viewing files

Errors are given via HTTP status codes